Boggabri Drovers Campfire

From April 25, 2025 until April 27, 2025

At Boggabri Showground

0488 181 798

Categories: External Events

Tags: NSW

The Boggabri Drovers’ Campfire will be held from Friday 25th to Sunday
27th April 2025. The event has become a much anticipated feature for
caravanners, motor home owners and travellers along Australia’s
highways and byways. The event was the brainchild of Lion Geoff Eather
and was developed with the support of the Boggabri Lions Club in 2006.

The Boggabri Drovers Campfire Committee, as in previous years, are
busily preparing a wonderful program to keep you entertained during
this weekend, including tours of our local area and lots of activities
at the showground. The evening is when everyone comes together around
the campfire. The array of night time entertainment is sure to prove
to be enjoyable and a great way to have a lot of laughs and meet new

You are able to book as a group and we will do our best to put you all
together, unless of course some want power and others unpowered sites.
Everyone is able to book their own site; they just need to put your
group name on their registration.

Bookings can be made via TryBooking

Or using the attached registration form, which can then be returned to
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More information can be found on our website

Bookings now open