We've just received some excellent advice from the Caravan Council of Australia which should be of significant use to our members and other caravanners.

The Caravan Council of Australia is encouraging all 'vanners to conduct a Pre-Holiday Caravan Inspection.
The attached informative Check-List covers items that should be properly inspected and serviced to best ensure safe and happy travelling.
Ensure that your 'van or camper-trailer is fully legal and compliant.
Ensure that your 'van or camper-trailer is in a good and safe condition.
Ensure that your tow-vehicle is in a good and safe condition.
Ensure that no Ratings of your 'van or camper-trailer - or your tow-vehicle - are ever exceeded.
If you are not technically qualified and experienced, you should have an accredited mechanic or caravan specialist inspect the vehicle, and make any necessary adjustments or replacements.
Gas and Electrical inspections and servicing must only be conducted by licensed gas-fitters and electricians.
If you have any questions at all about the safety of your 'van or camper-trailer, always obtain professional advice from a recognised expert in the particular field.
Please feel free to pass on the Inspection Check-list to other 'vanners.
Also attached is a simplified shortened version of the Check-list, just covers just the basic safety items.
Informative technical documents are available on the CCA web-site home-page under "Technical Articles".
Happy & Safe Travels!
{Honorary Manager & Professional Automotive Engineer}
Caravan Council of Australia
Independent - Non-Profit - Non-Commercial
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